Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pandoras Box

Created by the Music Genome Project, Pandoras Internet Radio is a fantastic idea. The Music Genome Project started in 2000, and the idea was to create the greatest analysis of music ever. That is analysis of the structure of music, looking at its attributes and effectively developing "genes" for music. This moves beyond the genre or what the band looks like and studies what individual songs sound like.

Well, the next step was to create Pandoras Internet Radio. So you can enter a song or a group that you like and then the system will generate a playlist based on teh genes of what you like. You can give tracks a thumbs up or thumbs down, you can add more "seed" groups or songs so taht the selection will start playing things you have never heard before but are likely to appeal to your tastes based on what you have told it you like.

So I make a channel based on The Indigo Girls and The Cowboy Junkies and I end up discovering madder rose because it possesses major key tonality and electric rock instrumentation.

The only problem, and there had to be one, is that I can't register because it is only open to US citizens because of licensing laws. So, if like me, you live outside of the USA then I am just teasing you with something that could be great.

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