Monday, July 21, 2008

And The Award Goes To.....

A week or so ago we had a call from the school. They suggested that we might like to make the end of term prize giving as "A" had won something. To maintain some mystery they wouldn't tell us what. However the best that we could think was that she would get the "Effort" award.

One advantage of a 6 year old is that they don't "do" suspicious. So on hearing that daddy was going to attend assembly "A" did not think that something was up. She simply satated that she wouldn't be getting anything. This isn't quite as defeatist as it may sound. "A" accepts that she is one of the youngest in the year. As a June baby this is the price you pay (I was July and recognise the problem well). So there are older kids who can often do more (although she is on purple level in reading which is very advanced).

So we turned up and went in to assembly. Why, o why, can't primary schools get adult sized chairs! Is it a surprise that adults come in and want to sit down? The experience of my knees around my ears is never something I am desperate to repeat. And, I have to say, the problem with school assemblies is that they are packed with kids. Anyway, I digress.

So the kids all said hello, "Hello Mrs B, hello everyone" (Mrs B being the headteacher) and I was most disappointed that the parents didn't say hello back. Then the kids sang a song (again disappointed that the parents couldn't join in). Probably almost got thrown out because I was laughing at the finger pointing to the lines on the overhead projector, I so wanted a bouncing ball. Even better when they had to split, one half singing one verse, the other half singing the other verse, so it needed two pointing fingers.

And what did "A" win. She won the art award. Which is really sweet becaus it is a mini Oscar. Don't tell "A" but I think they got the wrong child. But it was lovely to hear her name announced and the reason she got it was attention to detail. And to crown it all, she went up, shook the hand of the teacher presenting the awards (from the upper school, gosh we were priviledged), then Mrs B said "that was really polite "A", wonderful manners" (no other child was praised for their manners).

OK, officially proud daddy.

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