Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pass Please

I have managed to take "A" to a few rugby matches recently. This culminated in her saying she wanted to play. So we found a local under 7's and today was the first day at training. She was a bit worried before we got there, I think the comment was along the lines that boys can be rough. But she insisted she wanted to go (honest I was not forcing her). And even though she was the only girl she got stuck in. It was a long training session. One and a half hours. And she loved it. She had a smile on her face almost all the time. I must admit that at one point she told one of the coaches that she hoped they wouldn't pass the ball to her, but she ran around, chased the ball, grabbed a few tags (an innovation to me is tag rugby, when I was her age then it was all contact sport!). At one point she had the ball and set off, she dodged a few tackles before someone got her tag. Afterwards she told me she was told to hold the ball in both hands. Her explanation of why she was holding it as she did was that she's "watched too many games so she knows how it is really done". I must admit I hadn't noticed because I was taking pictures, but now I see the the photo of the incident, with the ball tucked up under one arm, legs going, I think we have a Shane Williams in the making.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

When I was younger I was desperate to play rugby but my mum wouldn't let me. I think she was concerned that I was too rough.