Tuesday, August 28, 2007


OK, first things first, whoever you are admit it. I want to know.

I go to Greenbelt to look after the site and make sure everyone is safe, no-one has anything stolen. Then, when I am not looking, some tea-leaf steals three days off me. It's true. I went on Wednesday, I am now back home so it must be Tuesday. There is no way that there have been 5 days in between. So someone must have stolen them off me.

Although, I have an alternative explanation. When I went to Greenbelt the weather ahd been horrible. It is now also overcast. In addition it was the August bank holiday so it must have rained. Yet I now have a tan that I didn't have a week ago. Yes, there really is only one plausible explanation when you examine the facts. I must have been abducted by aliens.

{For those of you still somewhat confused this was a very long winded way of saying Greenbelt flew past in a blink}

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I think it felt long in the middle and short at the beginning and the end. Maybe Greenbelt was in some sort of quantum-physics black hole or something?* I'm trying to work out how to sum up my Greenbelt without sounding sentimental, cruel or like a drunkard. It's quite hard...

*Please note, I do not need anyone to explain how poor my grasp os science is. I already know. Thank you.