Sunday, May 04, 2008

All Ears

It was interesting listening to Brown on the news today. In response to the local elections, he understands how we feel. What he plans to do is listen to us, to get out amongst us. Well sorry, but he has already used this line. When Blair resigned then Brown said he wanted to listen to the nation. He did a tour of duty then. Well, did he not listen properly, did he not pick up on what we wanted? And I don't want a Prime Minister who "understands", I want one who can address the needs, who can make sure we move forward in the right direction, who can make sure the right decisions are made.

The results were bad. But the response worse.


Sarah said...

What 'we' want? What do 'we' want? I'm not sure there is a homogenous 'we' that all want the same thing. And even if we do want basically the same things, we don't all think it should be done in the same way.

And I'm not sure the response was worse than the results. How much worse can you get than BoJo for mayor?

I suppose a return to a Conservative government...

Merlin said...

That seemed fairly vitriolic. Touch a nerve, or a bad day. But don't shoot the messenger. It is Brown who said he was going to come among us (an almost messianic air somehow) to learn what we wanted. I was simply pointing out that he alrady did this once, not too long ago.

Sarah said...

Sorry - I was aiming for provocative rather than vitriolic - I'm a bit stressed at the moment.

I think I'm just feeling that the problem with democracy is that not everyone wants the same thing and that quite a lot of people do actually want things which I think are fundamentally wrong - like sending home all people who don't look like they're descended from the 'original' English.

Merlin said...

But that is the beauty of democracy. We don't all want the same thing but we come to a collective decision about what is needed. And the majority of the time it works (certainly better than the other options).

People get to speak, to put their arguments forward. Others get to listen. Then we decide. Hence all those who don't look like they're descended from the "original" English will never be sent home.

I think it is imtant that no one power stays in control for too long. They become lazy, complacent and corrupt. That, as much as anything, is why I believe Labour has had its day.