Monday, April 23, 2007

So Fast I'm Giddy

Patricia Hewitt has done a "You Ask The Questions" profile with The Independent. I challenge you to find where she actually answers a question. I am actually moving to a position where I admire her for the flagrant and unashamed spin she puts on things. To lift a couple of the questions:

Inflation is 4.8 per cent. Nurses pay is to rise by 1.9 per cent. How can you justify that? K GRAIN, by email
We will never do anything to take us back to the days of raging inflation and double-digit interest rates. So this year, while we accepted the recommendations of the independent pay review bodies (including 2.5 per cent for nurses), we also decided to stage the pay rises with 1.5 per cent from April and the rest from November.

How will you tackle the crisis in abortion care caused by more doctors opting out? KATE TAYLOR, Hull
The number of abortions being performed has hardly changed year on year - and more abortions are now done earlier in pregnancy.

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