Friday, October 02, 2009

Shining Star

I am placed in a dilemma. I am a Conservative. You have already worked that one out from previous posts haven't you. So I should be pleased that The Sun has switched allegiance from Labour. This should be good news, after all it will bring a raft of new voters (like it or not The Sun has historically been shown to have great influence). But, I would have to say that this is good news through gritted teeth, as this also means my views reflect those of The Sun. Which is terrible. Unbearable. I may have to become a Lib Dem. No, actually, nothing is that bad. {Merlin gets ready to be pelted by rotten tomatoes}


Sarah said...

I'm laughing. I hadn't thought of this...

1 i z said...

...and of course I guess you also have the Mail and Express on side? Really Merlin I think you need to start asking yourself about the company you keep ;-)

Merlin said...

Oh, I often, often ask that. Especially when at Greenbelt :-)