Tuesday, October 31, 2006


A simple hello to start. I suppose I am coming to blogging late in the day, as a gadget man (recently discovered cube world, great fun) I should have been here earlier, but better late than never. Only right then that I come straight in with the beta version.
Anyway this is me (look up a bit, that picture, yep that's it). A few people who know me may be rather surprised. I suspect that no-one who knows me from Greenbelt would expect me to have a suit, much less actually wear it. Hey, it's only in the last couple of years I bothered shaving while at Greenbelt! Also might be a bit of a shock for some of those at work, I seem to go out of my way not to wear one (although a few have even seen me in my DJ). Anyway, I can smarten up when I want.


1 i z said...

Well hello, hello and welcome to the blogosphere!

What a lovely surprise to find at the end of a referral link.

Merlin said...

Thanks Liz