Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hup Two Three

Two days in and still using my Wii Fit. In fact the whole family is using it because the balance games are great fun, if incredibly frustrating. You always want one more go to try and beat your score. But I reckon the real reason it will work as a weight loss incentive for most people is because it represents you with a little character. When you have designed your Wii Mii (pronounced We Me for the uninitiated) the d..n thing asks your height and adjusts your Mii appropriately. That would be OK but then it weighs you. And adjusts your body shape as well. So while you may have designed a tall, slim, athletic looking Mii, the Wii rapidly turns you into something shorter and rounder than you were really hoping for. And I suspect whenever I think about having a packet of crisps my little Mii will pop into my head and stop me.

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