Thursday, July 09, 2009

Under Pressure

OK, here's a piece of advice should you ever need it. When at the gym, if you have had a good session, don't ask them to increase the levels on all your equipment in one go! Last night that is exactly what I did. And today wasn't pretty. I tried to get them to swap me off the treadmill, which I detest almost as much as computers (dong this blog on my iPhone as my new computer is so unstable as to be almost unusable), and my attempt was in the vein of "I can't run on the treadmill as my shins can't take it so I am not sure I get enough exercise on it". Their response was to leave me on the treadmill but to increase the incline. But without thinking I asked them to increase everything else.

As it is, the treadmill on an incline is knackering. So when I moved to the hand bike I was feeling as though I was running on empty. And the one I normally use, standing up, was occupied so I used a sittting one which is clearly a different angle. Result was that I struggled. Then I found another problem. I use constant power settings. Normally with the hand bike I have a good momentum going before it piles on the pressure. But I was so tired I lost momentum. So much so that I stopped for a few seconds. Only to discover that it increased the resistance so much that I couldn't get going again. Not my best look really, sweat pouring down my face, mouthing swear words, and most clearly absolutely and utterly stuck.

I was so tired by the end that I almost didn't have the energy to use the sauna.

1 comment:

1 i z said...

Sounds like my idea of hell.

I had been thinking about leaving the cosy boredom of endless length swimming behind and have a go at the gym thing. You're not encouraging me!

It's the boredom thing mainly; typically after about an hour of lengths, even the churning over of the day's problems subsides and I enter a zen-like state. I become worryingly oblivious to the outside world.

Take last night, I'm reliably informed that the cute (very cute) and well formed (very well formed) guy* in the next lane had been constantly eyeing me up. Did I notice? Did I make eye contact? No, I just kept swimming those lengths oblivous. Typical.

* oh and I only know this because he was later pointed out to me from a distance. See what I mean about oblivious?