Sunday, June 29, 2008

Prince Caspian

We had had a busy weekend, possibly of which I will give more updates tomorrow. But after a 4 hour drive "A" had behaved so well that I felt she deserved a treat. I checked the local cinema and they still had seats for Prince Caspian so we went along.

I never read Prince Caspian when I was young so I didn't know what to expect. I know it's had some mixed reviews but I thought it was great. Importantly so did "A". Some o the story may have been a bit complicated for a 6 year old but she really enjoyed it. It's certainly surprisingly violent, much more than the first film, but for a long film it seems over very quickly. "J" hadn't come along, I am sure she knows when films are going to be sad, because this one is. Yes, you can guess who the victors will be, but it is still sad.

Of course, considering the author, I came away wondering what I was suppose to learn about myself, what was the moral. I think it might be pride. Although I am sure I have missed out on the real in depth meaning I still recommend it to everyone.

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