Sunday, October 12, 2008


I had another riding lesson today. And boy, don't my legs know about it. When I dismounted I nearly fell over, my thighs and knees have suffered. But I spent most of the time laughing. Why you may ask (go on, ask, you know you want to).

Well, although I can't recount all the stories from earlier this week, I see no harm in saying we were in Portugal in a town called Golega, the Capital of the Horse. I don't know if you have ever seen a Lusitano stallion. Absolutely beautiful beasts. And we went to the Portugese School of Equestrian Art. Now for those not quite in the know, that isn't a museum with loads of horse paintings, that is where you go to see stallions being ridden with some of the best control you will ever have the priviledge of witnessing.

So, having seen this I was acutely aware of my rather feeble efforts. Hence a lot of laughing.

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