Saturday, October 18, 2008

Two Packets of Crisps

After a while, as a parent you get used to being a source of disappointment for your child. For instance, today we went to Woburn Safari Park, I recounted a story of when I had to stitch a lions tail after it had been in a fight. You'd think that that should be reasonably impressive. No, I got a tut for not being able to remember if it was a daddy lion or a mummy lion. Anyway, it's bad enough when it is your own child. But the School Council, which is a body of children elected by their class mates (and remember this is primary school) have sent a message to all parents that they are disappointed in the snacks being sent in lunch boxes. Apparently the snacks aren't healthy enough. Yes, that's right, we are being told off by children for giving them nice things to eat!

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