Sunday, November 11, 2007


We don't go to church very often. Not as often as we should. But we do try to go to the 30 minute service that is held once a month. It is a special service for families with young children and it is very relaxed. No worries if your child makes a lot of noise or is disruptive (not that "A" is). "A" encourages us to go. Slightly worried today when we walk in and are asked to help distribute some leaflets before the ceremony. Obviously getting known now. More worried afterwards when the vicar asks if it is OK if he calls around some time. What can you say. "Yes, lovely to see you", while wondering what we will get roped into. (Especially concerned as they are just establishing a "mens group" to meet at the local pub every week!)


sally said...

Oh dear, sounds like a phobia. Fear of being sucked in to a strange group and being asked to do things you don't want to do. Fear of meeting with a group of men who could be dodgy..oh sorry, you're a mason, you already do all that...... :)

Sarah said...

Run away! Run awaaaaayyyy!