Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cue, Action

I never thought I would say that the end of the XFactor would be a dilemma. But sadly it appears to be so. We had got into this "tradition" of sitting down together to watch it and have a tea of dips. "A" loved it, as much because it was a family thing and us all sitting together on the sofa. So without it what can we watch. And there really was nothing else tonight. "A" had the bright idea that we could all watch Peter Pan (the Disney cartoon), well sorry but that wasn't going to happen. I am not spending an early evening wathching Peter Pan. We bought Polar Express for her recently because we thought she enjoyed it at the cinema, but she didn't want to watch that. In the end we settled for Madagascar. Could have been better, but could have been worse (High School Musical 2 being a current favourite of hers).

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