Thursday, March 26, 2009

Don't Squeeze

First it was the Mosquito, a noise emitting device that squeaked so high that only teenagers could hear it. The aim was to stop them congregating in certain areas. An aim slightly undone by the fact that teenagers soon realised that recording the sound and using it as a ring tone meant that teacher couldn't hear their phones texting during class. So now we move onto colour lights, more particularly a pink fluorescent light that shows up spots. I am, I have to admit, somewhat dubious. These are kids who go down the local (I was going to say disco but suspect that might age me) night club. If I remember corrrectly those places were packed with fluroescent lights. And especially ones that could highlight every blemish you had. And certainly did not make one flee in embarrassment. So I am fairly sure that the modern day teenager, packed full of more confidence than we were 20 years ago, will be able to cope with a pink light. Of course, if they can't, then they may resort to balaclavas under their hoodies, and that will be even more intimidating.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I think it's also wrong to use humiliation as a means of control of young people. I deal with complaints about youth nuisance on my estate, but I don't think this is the way I would choose to deal with it.