Saturday, April 25, 2009

Find Me

Someone I know is able to write apps for the iPhone. This is very clever. What he lacks is ideas of what to write. I suggested a tool for Eddie spotters. I am sure you know the game, made famous by Ben Elton, look out for Eddie Stobbart lorries, gain points by being the first to spot them (my record is over 60 on a trip to Scotland, I lost count in the end). And each Eddie lorry has its own name as well (always female, initial single names, then double names, now on to Polish). So I thought that there were all kinds of things you could do - how many Eddies to the mile, a forum so you can check where someone last saw "Anne-Marie", post photos of your favourite Eddie. The possibilities are endless. And, of course, no-one would lie about how many they spotted (maybe photographic proof would be needed). Finally realised though that the prospective audience for such an app may be very low, as indicated by the Venn diagram below:

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