Monday, October 01, 2007

How Safe

Health and safety is very important. There is no question over the fact that while at work we need to avoid eye strain from computer screens, back strain from long periods sitting, wrist strain from mice. All these things are essential. But when a shooting comes down to an issue of health and safety it may be going a bit far. Someone is definitely clutching at straws when the shooting of de Menezes comes down to Health and Safety. I suppose it makes it easier though. Do I think a hail of bullets is either health conscious or safe, well no.


Caroline said...

ok, here we go....first off, just to confirm my overall stance, nothing NOTHING I can think of excuses the police (ortheir political puppet masters) from blame....but
a) it was not a 'hail of bullets' which, blatantly, in the venacular means a random firing of shots from a distance. From what us mere public are aware it was up front, close range personal and targetted. so stop with the tabloidisms. And yes, if you happen to have been the person they targeted no it wasn't health concious or safe but they did not fire a hail of bullets into a crowded train and put others at risk;
b) It does not 'come down to' a matter of health and safety. It IS, at least in part a matter of health and safety - a failure to ensure that procedures and policies, in place to ensure that the health and safety of all public and employees is protected, are correctly implemented. From what us mere public are aware of - and with hindsight - it was an utter fiasco from start to finish. It does come down to health & safety because they had to make a decision (which they got so tragically and incompetnantly wrong) as to whether the health and safety of the general public and their officers was at greater risk if they killed their 'target' or didn't. On the utterly flawed information from flawed processes that they had (we are told) what they did ultimately made sense. Those processes and the gathering and disseminating information are matters of health and safety. Health and safety procedures are supposed to protect us from the need for the wisdom of hindsight. health and safety offences are criminal prosecutions.

Merlin said...

A couple of retorts come to mind but, you know what, I have been spending a lot of time travelling recently and only just got back home and I am going to take the rare decision that a reply may not be advisable in my current mind-set.