Sunday, October 21, 2007


Yesterday we went to see Ratatooii (Ratatoille, Ratttattoy, Rattatwee, Rataowhatever). (Actually I find it quite amusing that they have to put the phonetic spelling underneath, I wonder who that is for).

"A" loved it, engrossed throughout and, for her, relatively still. She didn't even finish her sweets. I think I enjoyed the short film before the main feature more (who else remembers the "B" movie before the main). Possibly a story about an alien abduction is a bit too complex for young children but it was very amusing.

The main film itself, well I have found worse ways to spend my time. It had a story line, which is an advantage (especially over Casino Royale). But it wasn't anything special. Rat looses family, rat makes friend, rat finds family, does rat chose friend over family or go his own way. you know, normal stuff really.


Sarah said...

And there was me hoping you'd comment on the rugby final...

I remember the B movie before the main...

Merlin said...

That's coming later, but I have to be careful what I say so I don't get beaten up.

Sarah said...

What, things like, "No, really, it wasn't a valid try"? That sort of thing?

sally said...

Re Ratatouoille..I refer you to my commetns on the film last week..I think you will find you only agreed with me.....not so original then.....