Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Death Of The Bookworm

There are obviously different levels of sad. And this is sad in the same way as the country being taken over by hooligans etc. But it is still sad to see that one in four people didn't read a book last year. Admittedly that is in America, but I doubt the UK is much different. This is going to be a poor reading year for me because I have to learn a lot of lines as Master of the Lodge, but even so I will have read 6 books this year. Most years I probably read around 20 books, give or take a few. Almost every room in our house has books in it, I can't iagine a world without books.
Reading is so essential. It opens our eyes to other people and their emotions. It shows us different worlds. It lets our imagination go places that we will never be able to see in real life. Reading teaches us, let's us explore, it pushes our preconceptions and helps us realise that there is more. I really do feel sad for those who never pick up a book.

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