Friday, August 31, 2007

Tra La La

There are more stories. I don't know exactly how many more, but there are more.

Like the night of the sweep. This brings together some security work with golf buggies. Possibly an incongruous mix.
This year at Greenbelt we had golf buggies working as taxis. Excellent idea to help people get around at a low cost. Let's ignore the tension, that might be someone elses call, but just accept that the theory was good.

Anyway on the second night we wanted to do a sweep of the helicopter field. Not that there was a problem but it was an exercise that we needed to do. So somehow we needed to get 24 stewards up there. We decided that we would borrow some golf buggies. While most of the team were being briefed I took another three stewards as drivers for a quick training on how to drive buggies (relatively easy - accelerator, brake, forward and reverse, left and right). Then we set off to collect the rest of the team. It was impossible to avoid singing the theme tune to the Banana Splits as we went down the hill, 4 buggies in a line, me leading. Then we collected our stewards and set off again, 6 stewards in high viz jackets per buggy. This demanded a change. Of course the Banana Splits was no longer suitable. So we headed towards the helicopter field singing the "Ride of the Valkyries" from "Apocalypse Now". All we needed was speakers on the roof.


Holy Famoley said...

Thanks for an alternative look at the Greenbelt experience!

1 i z said...

so wish I'd witnessed this!

Sarah said...

Honestly, it was terrifying. Somepeople shouldn't be allowed to drive.

Merlin said...

I am fairly certain that last comment was not aimed at me!

Sarah said...

No, for once. Guilty did a fairly alarming emergency stop after he missed a turning. And despite not being able to see through the windscreen, only peered round it every so often...

Merlin said...

I think the comment about Guiltys driving was "who knew that golf buggies could leave skid marks!"