Sunday, July 15, 2007


For as long as I can remember we have been Eddie spotters. I am sure you know what I mean, we watch for Eddie Stobart lorries on journeys. Bit of a competition thing. You get a point for being the first to spot one. And I am good at it. Very good. I almost always win. But now "A" is joining in. And there is this great conflict in my mind between having to win and letting my daughter have a chance. So now I end up whining like a dog when I see one, desparate to call it but having to wait. Very undignified.


Sarah said...

I haven't quite worked out the letting children win thing. I know it would be soul-destroying for a child to be beaten all the time (I had a very mean relative when I was younger) but how often are you supposed to let them win? How much are you allowed to beat them by? What if you are playing with a group of children?

Merlin said...

These are all major challenges. It can't be good to always win, so sometimes they have to lose. And once there is more than one child involved then it gets really difficult. If you are the only adult and three children are cheating do you do the serious thing or go along with it. Hard.