Sunday, July 08, 2007

Under The Stars

We went and bought a new tent today. For the last few years I have been a wimp and hired a caravan for Greenbelt. This year I am going to go tough again (OK, so by the time I got around to phoning they had hired out all their caravans, but that's not the point). Saturday workers have to make you smile don't they. Or you would cry. He tried to describe the taped seams as "tapped seams". Fire retardant as "well, it doesn't stop fire" (as someone who watched a tent go up when the owners tried to put out a candle with a glass of vodka this particularly amused me). The lighting system (yes, a tent with a lighting system) as "the lights are good because they, well, give you light". The guy ropes as "the stringy bits" which, once I had explained to him he then insisted on calling "guide ropes" (an image of loads of girl guides holding tents down definitely raising the quality of my day).

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Very brave! We camped on Saturday night - I felt very lucky to have chosen the one gloriously hot day to have to camp - and my tent was ok - I was slightly nervous as it was taken down by friends during the rain at Greenbelt last year and I hadn't opened it since they gave it back to me. But they had very kindly aired it for me so it was not rotten... Well, I did have a broken leg! Which reminds me - I need to go and air it now...