Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'll Stick Please

It seems that you have better odds playing poker than you do tendering to be the site for the first super-casino. After councils had spent time and money (around £150k each) putting together a proposal, and after Manchester were awarded the tender, it appears that a U-turn is ripping it out from under them. It is one thing to lose money when you are bidding for something that exists, but when you find it was never a possibility then you might have a sour taste in your mouth. I would even think there might be a legal case for misrepresentation (although I will bow to the superior knowledge of the lawyers out there). It seems a bigger version of the TV phone-in scandal to me.

Oceans 14 - George Clooney against Brown - "It's all in the trust"

1 comment:

Sarah said...

But at least we were still the winners.