Thursday, February 01, 2007


I was in London for the launch of a strangles awareness campaign to be run by the Animal Health Trust and the British Horse Society. I am interested in anything that promotes the welfare aspects of this disease. While I was in practice I was lucky enough to only ever deal with one outbreak but my own horse was on a yard that got strangles. This is a horrible disease. So I have a long standing desire to fight this disease, and the fact we have a vaccine for it just helps my interest.

Normally I would keep quiet when I go along to a meeting organised by someone else. I don't think it ever looks good in someone elses meeting to speak out, it can just look commercial. So I am keeping my head down, very interested in what is being said, learning a lot. Then a question from the floor and it involves our vaccine. So the next thing I know is my name is being mentioned and someone is saying that maybe I would like reply. That really makes it rather difficult to keep my head down. For a moment I think it may pass, but now everyone is looking at me. Can I look busy writing, maybe they will think I am not there. But no, I happen to be sat right in the middle of the lecture theatre. Maybe if I drop my pen then they will move on. Hmm, maybe that wouldn't look too professional. people either side so I can't pretend that I suddenly have to go. To answer is both unavoidable and inevitable. Afterwards someone says "you must have expected that question" and, to be honest, I really didn't!

{No pictures because any picture of strangles is going to be a bit gory}

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