Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ready to Go

Another trip up to Scotland. After a lot of internal debate I finally elected on the train again. It has the advantage that I can work while travelling. Of course it has the disadvantage that I am on a train! But, ignoring that, I don't know if you have been on a train recently and used the toilet. I remember the good old days when you had a bolt to lock it. Not now. Now it is all buttons and electrics. The thing is, and this is a big thing, there are actually three buttons - open, close and, most importantly, LOCK. Unfortunately there is a design fault. The fault is that the close button is lit as you enter the cubicle, making it obvious enough. But once you have pressed it there is nothing else indicating it needs pressing, leading to an assumption that the door is both closed and locked. You only notice the lock button once you are sitting down. There is then a moment of panic as you realise if anyone outside presses the "open" button then you may be revealed to all and sundry in your utmost glory. If you are lucky enough that no-one does open the door you still have to cope with a shuffle across the cubicle without tripping over the trousers around your ankles.

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