Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Para Handy Tales" by Neil Munro

Neil Munro first wrote about Para Handy and his crew in 1931. Para Handy is the captain of a puffer, "The Vital Spark", which travels around the Western Isles carrying cargo of coal and the like. Para Handy is very proud of his little boat and feels it should be destined for better things. This is a collection of (very) short stories, each only taking 5 minutes or so to read, but each bringing a smile to the face. It is a gentle humour and reflects the lifestyle of these men. Their attempts to find a wife, the pranks they play on each other, the plans to make a bit extra on the side. You do need to get through everything being written in a thick scottish brawl, but it is worth it. In many ways it could be described as a pleasant read, and that is meant in a good way. The world needs characters like these.

"If Dougie was here himsel' he would tell you".

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