Monday, February 26, 2007

What Big Teeth You Have

I just want to take a moment to backtrack to Saturday and the trip to London. Because a few of you, having seen that we didn't get "A" to bed until 2200hrs, may have thought we had a quiet trip back. There is a key fact that you need to know about my daughter however. If there is even the remotest possibility that closing her eyes might mean she would miss something then she won't do it. So, despite having walked almost the whole day, despite having had ballet in the morning, despite the fact that it was well past her bedtime, the train journey back was not a quiet one. I am not sure what the other passengers thought about a grown man creeping down the carriage aisle pretending to be a wolf, but it possibly wasn't one of my most dignified moments. Although dancing to "Bring Me Sunshine" was my idea I must admit.


sally said...

Sounds so entertaining, no wonder she didn't sleep!!! I woulsn't want to miss any of that either!!

1 i z said...

Oh please tell me someone caught it on a mobile phone camera and it's on You Tube???


Ah well, I think a re-enactment at the next Ops mtg is called for.
