Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snow Zone

I battled my way in to work today, refusing to be overwhelmed by the snow. I suspect "J" is sick to death of hearing me say things like - "this isn't snow, when I was young we had real snow", "I don't understand it, we have less snow now and cars are better, yet the whole country still grinds to a halt", "why is everyone acting so surprised, it's winter, can't we expect snow", "I had driving lessons in snow worse than this" etc.

So while "A" had the day off ("what, because of this, we got through snow drifts ten times this deep in order to get to school" which got the reply "well your parents were just cruel then") I went to work. The drive that normally takes 25 minutes took just under two hours. This threw my day enough that when someone asked if I was going to lunch I turned around and said "what do you mean, bit early, it's only just gone ten" before I realised that the morning had, in fact, disappeared.

Of course, while I was working, some people had better things to do.

1 comment:

1 i z said...

I know what you mean - I remember wading through snow on the 2 mile walk to school, up to my chest in places and struggling in to a school with no heating as we had our O Level English Lit exam (they had at least closed the rest of the school due to the heating problme). I remember my hands being so cold that I could barely hold a pen, let alone write.

You tell that t' youth o' t'day abd they don't believe you...

I got an A by the way, and one less exam to take in the summer, so I guess it was worth it.