Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I did manage a couple of hours walking around Budapest. Walked down to the Danube, crossed the bridge so I have been in both Buda and Pest. And while the UK was undergoing severe storms and weather warnings, the sun was shining down and it was approaching the unbearably hot (my apologies to Budapest at this point as I took my shirt off). It is a strange city. I am not sure why the roads were built so wide. Very handy for tanks I grant you but surely when the city plans were made they weren’t thinking of anything more than horses. Houses with shrapnel damage from the very difficult past of the place. But what was really strange were the eerie buildings. Big, imposing buildings, boarded up, and nothing to indicate what they had been, but from the size and dominance they must have been important. I suspect they were communist buildings, ones whose memories are screams not laughter.

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