Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bad Dad

Have you noticed that the more "up market" car makers now give you a whole day driving their cars if you might want to buy one. Audi do one. You can spot the cars because they have "Audi Ultimate Driving Experience" emblazoned down the side. Anyway, for Audi this driving experience seems to include what to do if you are in an accident. That is the only reason I can think for two of their cars to be involved in a four car pile up just outside Northampton this morning. Police and everything, you have to hand it to Audi, no expense spared.

However this led to a long traffic jam. On the morning I volunteered to take "A" to school". So we were late. Possibly the first time she has been late. Only by one minute. But enough that I had to sign a book explaining why she was late. I felt like I was back at school myself signing the detention book (not that I ever had to of course, you understand). Naughty daddy.

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