I recently had wi-fi fitted to my computer. Absolutely excellent, allows me to work everywhere. Most hotels have a link and for a reasonable amount supply 24 hour access. We have an account with btopenzone so I can use that if needed. Only one thing. I didn't realise that the BT account is charged by the minute. I am so used to not paying for my ADSL connection that it just didn't sink in. Until I saw my recent bill. £233 for one night. I forgot to disconnect before going to sleep so the connection was left on for 17 hours. Whoops
£233 for one night!?!?!? Are you serious? What was that? 12 hours? That's £20 an hour!
That can't be right can it?
Surely no one would connect even for 10 mins at those sort of rates?
you woz robbed mate!
I know, shocking isn't it. Sometimes I would wonder if our negotiators do a good job but I suspect I should never question it.
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