Monday, May 14, 2007


I have never been a fan of the old Mars Bar and I am not a vegetarian so I am completely unaffected by the upset over the manufacture process. I wonder if it will make anyone give up vegetarianism. Which is the more important, chocolate or principles? In fact I am rather glad that I am not veggie. I gave up Nestle chocolate a while ago (and I so miss Chunky Kit Kat) because they are a fairly dubious company and I can't support them after they have exhibited such a low moral position and pure disregard for child welfare. But it is one thing to give up one company, quite another to have to give up many. So, lucky for me, I am quite happy to eat something made from the stomach of a calf.


sally said...

Doesn't sound so appealing to me now tho....please tell me Cadbury's is healthy and wholesome and good for me....I am afraid my weakness in life is a good instant coffee made by the offending company..this week my husband bought another fairly traded make..and I'm sorry, but it tastes disgusting and I get severe stomach ache after drinking it..what am I to do????

Stuart said...

Ahh Sally perhaps I can be of help and lead you down the path of domestic bliss and coffee heaven. Said offending company now produce a fairly traded coffee, thus providing both you and hubby with what you want. Happy days!

Sarah said...

Ummm.. I don't think fair trade makes up for the nestle-ness.

I gave up Nestle stuff quite a few years ago. Occasionally I miss stuff but I'm mostly used to it. I also gave up polos when I was vegetarian and they weren't, but then I gave up vegetarianism (because I was rubbish at it and hated it).

We have nescafe at work and I do drink it because it's just easier than making a fuss (see how much I really care about those babies) but I don't like it because it's vile. The only way to do things differently would be to take over running the tea fund for about 40 people. This seems to be where my ethics stop.

Merlin said...

The Fair Trade bit definitely doesn't make up for the nestle-ness. However I have now realised something that should really have been very evident a long time ago. Nescafe is produced by Nestle! o. m. g..! You wouldn't believe I have a degree would you. This probably ranks as one of my more stupid moments (and I have had many). Luckily the last instant coffee (I am more a filter coffee person but need instant for work) I bought was Fair Trade, organic, and not Nestle so I am on the right road.

Sarah said...

I'm pretty impressed by that gap in thinking...

Stuart said...

What can I say i'm shallow and a sucker for good coffee. Please give me some brownie points for

1. the fact it is fair trade

2. I don't eat kit kat's

3. I get tea direct tea bags

4. I stroke small animals!

How am I doing, saved yet?

1 i z said...

Oh bless Marlin. It's so endearing when someone of clearly high intelligence has a uncharacteristic moment of ditziness!

Oh and Stuart? Number 4 doesn't count if the small animals are in 'corpse' form... ;-)

Stuart said...


You've turned him from a wizard to a fish!

Sarah said...

I really hate phrases (only found in text messages and massive multiplayer online roleplaying games) like lol (laughing out loud), rofl (rolling on floor laughing), and roflmao (rolling on floor laughing my ass off - hello 12 year old who really thinks that's clever).

But that did actually make me laugh out loud.

Thanks, I needed that...