Sunday, May 27, 2007

So Long Mrs Robinson

This is a strange story, and one which I can't decide on - whether it is sad or refreshing. Charles Webb, the man who wrote that iconic book later turned into a film, "The Graduate", lives in poverty. Strangely he says his life would have been different if it wasn't for the book, but it is hard to see how it has impacted on his life. If anyone had asked I would have said I would exepct him to be very rich. But he sold the rights to the book, and to all the characters before it was a hit. A film that has grosses over $100 million, and he sold it for (reportedly) $20k. He says he has no regrets, but the picture doesn't make you think of someone who is content with their lot in life.
It could be refreshing, that he is completely unencumbered by money and material needs. Or it could just be very sad.

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