Tuesday, May 01, 2007


One of the nice things about my job is that I am not always in the office. I enjoy the office time because the cameraderie is good and I feel part of a team. But on days like today, with the sun shining, it is nice to be out and about. Didn't go anywhere particularly scenic, I just had an off-site meeting, but I was out in the sun and it was, well, simply pleasant. Do you remember those days at school when the teacher would decide that the lesson could be taken outside in the sun? The wind meant you couldn't write your notes, and you got so distracted by a ladybird or an ant that you lost track of what was being taught. But it was nice. Good days.


sally said...

Oh yes, oh yes, at my junior shcool I remember carrying our little wooden chairs out onto the field and sitting in a semi circle in the sun...what a treat..those were the days....easily pleased...

Sarah said...

Yeah, but I've tried running training sessions outside "because it's really nice" and no-one learns as much...