Thursday, December 28, 2006


Since working in industry I have always liked to work Christmas Eve. Might sound a bit strange but generally the office is fairly quiet and it is a day I put aside for sorting the year out, tidying up all my emails and files, and getting ready for the new year. Of course, this year I couldn't do that as I happened to be in France. So on the last day I was working, which wasn't quiet as everyone was still there and we had at least 4 fairly major issues to sort out, I still felt I needed to get everything ready. I am currently acutely aware that getting ready for the new year in this case meant making a folder called "Archive 2006" at about 1830 hrs and just dropping everything in it. No sorting, no checking, just a data dump. I am now fighting the urge to turn on my work computer and go through everything. I will fight it, I will not relent, but I also know that about half way through next year I will regret it as I won't be able to find the important stuff amongst the short term dross that should be relegated to distant memory.

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