Saturday, December 02, 2006

School Fete

A busy day in order to get to the school fete today. First took "A" to ballet where she had a great time as usual. At least I assume she did, she came out happy, but the problem with children is that they seem incredibly reticent to tell parents exactly what they have been up to. Then in to town so I could have a hair cut and "A" could find a grey top and trousers as she is a donkey in the school show in a few weeks time. Stopped and had a chinese lunch. Very nice buffet, we all like chinese. "A" didn't try the banana fritters but she had got distracted by the Midget Gems that were on offer.
Then off to the fete. "J" had baked a cake (and was very pleased to see it had been sold when we got there). So many people, it's only a primary school, it is only designed for little people, rather a crush. Not a lot of luck on the tombola, obviously "A" has got "J"s genes. We queued for Santa and saw him in his grotto (any other time of year and the police would be interested in this whole set up). Anyway "A" was given a present. Then she got a penguin tatoo (and before I get into trouble for cruelty, it was only a wash on one). Ended up with a bit more chocolate than is probably good, but no tears when we said no more. Actually thinking back, maybe she hadn't had that much, a santa on a stick and a small tree decoration. Sometimes wonder if we are a bit strict. She was also very good about the fact she didn't win anything. Seemed to all go very well, and the money raised is going to refurbishing the school library (discovered that the teachers have a book club, which I think gives the children an excellent message). Only 14 more years of supporting schools to go.

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