Thursday, December 07, 2006


Trip to Cardiff last night for a lodge rehearsal. For those that don't know, a certain amount of a lodge meeting is like a play. That means learning and rehearsing is necessary to get it right. The problem I have is that living in Northampton I can't get to most of the "rehearsals". I end up going to the main one just before the meeting. For the words that isn't too bad, I can learn those fairly well by myself, but some of the "floorwork" (where we move around and take candidates from one part of the temple to another) can be complicated so I have to hope I can pick it up quickly. I was hoping to make two rehearsals this time because this is a complicated ceremony, but one rehearsal clashes with "A"s school concert so I will have to make do with just the one. It went well, although the evening was long with a few moments of confusion (not just me), but that is the point of rehearsals and we should be alright on the night.

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