Sunday, December 31, 2006

Redland Girls

A friend has admitted that she went to Redland High School. That was because I had made a comment about being at Clifton College. Well, that got me thinking and remembering. I remember Redland. Yes, Redland definitely had a reputation for being harder than the Clifton High School girls. Never stopped us trying though. More than one boy tried to climb over those walls (which I remember had broken glass cemented into the top as a deterrent). Not me of course, I was much too busy concentrating on my studies.


sally said...

Possibly I was there a little before your time???? !!!

Merlin said...

While that may be true Sal, I do note absolutely no attempt on your part to deny having anything to do with college boys climbing over the wall.

sally said...

not while I was there..I wish!!!! Anyway, why go to all that effort..why not wait until the girls came out at half past three???