Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Only Reality After All

So Carne Ross, a UN diplomat known as an "expert" on Iraq, has said that the UK government may have mislead the public about the reasons for going to war. He is struggling to avoid saying that Blair actually lied, preferring to stick to the line that there was some embellishment. carne Ross quit his job because of what was said about weapons of mass destruction. This is a man of principle.

The response from Labour - easy, let's just rewrite history. Margaret Beckett is interviewed by the BBC. Confronted with a question about Blair and the "45 minute quote", easy enough, none of us actually thought he meant that did we, no-one actually paid any attention to it and it was never referred to again was it. Asked about Carne Ross, easy enough, he isn't an important peron, he invited himself to the enquiry and he didn't know anything that should be taken seriously. Questioned about the fact that the public were lead to believe that Iraq was a threat to us, easy enough, no-one ever said that we or the west or even Saddams neighbours were at risk.

I was really stunned listening to this interview. You can get used to politicians twisting facts but this was in a league of its own.

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