Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Alternatives

So would the alternatives be worse? And is that a reason to accept who is leading our country?

I have previously admitted to being a conservative. But I vote for them for the same reason, I believe the alternatives are worse. Not because of strong commitment to what they represent (or possibly represent, I am aware that I vote for a party that might not actually have any policies). Do I believe that man to the right is any less false than Blair, no. Do I believe that there are any politicians left who wouldn't sell their principles just because there is a vote in it, effectively no (I say effectively because I think there are still principled politicians, the problem is that they will never surface above the mire).

I have, over the years, voted for most - SDP, Lib Dem, Green, Conservative, Scottish National. I never voted communist but thought about it. Not Labour, never Labour though.

I vote because I think it important that we use our right to vote. Not voting is not a statement, it is apathy. It could only be a statement if it meant no-one got into power. Someone is going to be in power though, so you should do your best to make sure it is those that you think will do best, even if their best is fairly poor.

There is an ideal world, one where we do share what we earn. BUT, a very big but, that ideal world also demands that everyone pulls their weight. Unfortunately humans are not like that. Some pull well above their weight, others don't pull at all. Those that aren't ABLE to pull should be supported, but those who CHOOSE not to pull should not be given a free ride. Health should be free, so should education, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to pay for those if I can afford it. In fact if I can afford it then I should pay so that those who can't afford it benefit more.

I want a world where we try to pull everyone up to the top bar. I have always thought labour tries to push everyone down to the bottom bar.

I have often thought about entering politics myself. I believe in fariness, I believe in equality. So if I did make the step where would I go. In all honesty I would stand as an independent. And that is why I haven't made the step, because I don't think I could make a change.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

The problem with a world where some people pay for health care and others don't is that those who can afford to pay get faster, better treatment . This is inherently unfair. I'm not saying it's not a difficult choice or I know what I'd do if faced with the possibility of paying to get treatment I needed rather than suffering. But that in principal I believe everyone should be treated the same when it comes to health and education and that the richer should pay more through higher taxes.