Saturday, January 06, 2007

CU (Jimmy)

At first glance the story of the Christian Unions being banned from universities seems to be political correctness gone mad. It seems they are banned because they are exclusive. So the first thought is how many Jews or Muslims would want to join the Christian Union anyway.

However, as with so many things, it is infinitely more complicated than that. Although anyone can attend meetings (good), it appears that to be a member of the CU a person first has to sign a doctrine (not so good). This includes such things as a belief in the virgin birth and a belief in the bible as the true word of God. The doctrine is written in such a way as to exclude membership to gays and lesbians, and in fact to those simply of less strong beliefs (I, for one, doubt I could have signed what I heard was on the list but I consider myself a Christian).

The union was given the option (well, it was forced) to change its name to the Evangelical Christian Union, but they are refusing to do so. They feel this does not reflect their position (no, I would agree, let's choose the "Radical Christian Union" or the "Only-if-you-believe-what-i-believe Christian Union").

What I find sad is that this identifies christianity as being radical and unaccepting, of being narrow minded and closed to others. And when you are like that then you struggle to bring others in to hear your message.

1 comment:

1 i z said...

"Only-if-you-believe-what-i-believe Christian Union"
