Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Good, The Bad

Down in London again. Yes, that's right, I did have a day off today, but I have come down to London for a meeting tomorrow. Seemed better than fighting the rush hour. Anyway, to the point. The good news is that the hotel had a room for me tonight (different hotel, Radisson Berkshire). After last week I really didn't want a repeat saga. Further good news (or at least so it appeared) is that I have been upgraded. I do like being upgraded (although still waiting for it to happen on a plane). Silly though it is, I get a "I am special" rush when I hear the words "we are upgrading you". And yes, I do realise it just means they had a room spare but that isn't the point. Whoops, digressing. Anyway, good news turns into bad news. I appear to have the room next to the lift shaft (what do I mean appear to, I DO have the room next to the lift shaft). And it is a very noisy lift. I have a feeling it might be a very long night, and I can't drink myself into oblivion as I have a meeting in the morning.


Caroline said...

ahh there's a simple solution to that. book me a room on the top floor. I can guarantee the lift will instantly stop working....

sally said...

For 'udgrade' read 'A room no-one else wants....I hope you complain loudly this morning....I would...

1 i z said...

Still you shouldn't complain, without the upgrade your room would have been the lift itself ;-)

Merlin said...

Now am I the kind of person to complain! Actually I politely pointed it out but felt that complaining wouldn't achieve much. And anyway Sal had completely deflated my "upgrade" bubble by pointing out I was the only one they could palm the room off on, so I had no fight left in me.

sally said...

oh, sorry to deflate..didn't mean to.....:)

Merlin said...

Nah, reflated, I know I'm special!