Monday, January 01, 2007

Old in the New

You know those moments when you say something then realise how old it makes you sound. Had one of those last night. Watching the celebrations in London and all the fireworks from the Millenium Eye.

For the first few minutes I was thinking they looked very nice. Then they seemed to be going on and on and I finally said something along the lines of "just how much money is being thrown away with this".

I do, I feel old. But I also think that there were probably much better things that the money could have been spent on. All the homeless in London, the ill, the lonely, the suffering. Trying to correct the wrongs and injustices brought about by our, and the american, governments. Mistakenly New Year has turned into this massive celebration, when all it represents is a man-made moment for a date change. As people have lost the meaning of Christmas they have needed to turn to something else, and they turn to self-focused self-gratification.

Yep, old.

1 comment:

Rainbow dreams said...

We had that conversation too, as spectacular turned into obscene!

I wandered this way via Sally's blog, Happy New Year :)