Monday, January 01, 2007


It is no compensation to hear that I am not the only one having problems sleeping. I have tried a nightcap (Balvenie the current whisky of choice), I have tried not having a nightcap. I am reading until at least one in the morning (reading usually being a good tactic as it lets my mind wind down). But when the lights go off I cannot get to sleep. Not quite true, can't get to sleep for most of the night but, ironically, manage to get into a deep sleep just before I need to get up.

Whatever is on my mind is in my subconscious. I am not lying awake with a particular problem going through my head, except for the problem of why can't I get to sleep. Could be my back, I have missed three osteo appointments in the last month and everything is stiffening up. Maybe it is my brain rebelling because it hasn't had anything to worry about for ten days while I have been away from work. Maybe just tense. Maybe ......

I should be going back to work feeling refreshed, seems I will be going back more kn........d than when I left. Oh well, hey ho.

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