Thursday, January 18, 2007


I suspect most of us might agree that the weather today has been a little bit breezy. Possibly, and I don't want to go overboard on this, even a bit of a gust. So there I am, watching the news, and they decide to do a live interview from a pub. To be honest everyones OK in there, candlelit (very cosy, are you sure this is all REAL men or are we moving into lumberjack territory), all have pints because the pumps are gas powered. Interviewer approaches interviewee. "Do you think this is acceptable in this day and age to be without power?". Well there's a give-me I think, act of god so not the utilities fault, possibly a bit of an opening for a dig at global warming. But no, interviewee comes back with a firm "no, not acceptable, the amount they charge me for electricity....." - to be honest I tuned out. How pig-headed can someone get. Like paying a utility bill will ensure trees remain upright, rooves don't get torn away.

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